Tuesday 15 September 2015

How to Stop Biting Your Nails?

Stop Biting Your Nails

The letter why. Breaking a habit is much easier if you want the result more than the habit. Write down why you want to stop biting your nails and put the list in a prominent place like. By constantly reminding yourself why you want to drop finger to stop biting your nails less likely to nibble on the train. 
Six Schedule manicure. Whether you go to a local salon or DIY your own manicure a house, get a manicure every week for six weeks. This will not only make them as pretty as possible, and the probability of going to limit the city with the teeth, but also allows you to get your bad habit of biting your nails with a nail replace nutrient habit pinkies. 
Put paint on her purse. If you always have a bottle of nail polish in your pocket, you will be more inclined to touch up chipped nails, as it would be to pick or bite of his. 
The cuticle care. Keep groomed your cuticles and nails grow faster and stronger. And the faster you will take advantage of their non-biting forms, the more likely you are to stick with it to see. 
Tell your friends. Tell your friends that you are working to learn how to stop biting your nails and ask them to help, gently remind you when they see you tried the teeth of the jaws are to take. Will you be responsible and make you aware if your subconscious mind takes over.

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